Partnerships BluePrint

Our best practice guide to delivering powerful partnerships for your brand.

Partnership Pitfalls

Getting it right from the start really does set up success for the future. The common pitfalls that can often occur during these initial stages are around conception (what sort of partnership to do), the negotiation process (agreeing the optimum terms) and executing with clarity and precision.

1. Conception

In the initial planning stages, we find it can help if you initially approach a potential partnerships as three points of a triangle:

a) Business Objectives: 
Be single-minded on what you want the partnership to achieve e.g. brand perceptions/associations, category penetration etc

b) Audience Segmentation:
Consider who you want to target from real-life buying behaviours as opposed to specific buying groups

c) Brand Principles:
Be mindful of your unique personality and position in the category, what people associate you with (and like you for) and use this as a key guiding principle for finding the perfect partner.

2. Negotiation

Like any negotiation, the process of negotiating is equally as important as the desired outcome you have in mind. Implemented effectively, the negotiation can unlock benefits for both parties. Mishandled, it can create an unbalanced relationship in which one party is benefiting more than the other.

3. Execution

In the same way the negotiation process is a careful balance, so is the creative execution. Consideration needs to be given to the balance between the messaging of your partner brand with your own and how together it flexes across the path to purchase both in-store and on digital channels. Finding that motivational ‘creative hook’ that perfectly communicates why your partnership works for your audience, resonating with them on both an emotional and rational level is key.