NPD BluePrint

Our Best Practice Guide to maximising the success of your NPD activity.

NPD Success Benchmarks

When we see the global performance data on some the world’s most-loved and established brands and products, we can easily forget that they too started life as an idea, a concept, a New Product Development (NPD) – either by accident, luck, intuition, entrepreneurism, years of research and analysis, prototypes, or a mix of it all.

It certainly takes determination, analysis and imagination to create a product or service offer, taking it through from concept to launch. Even before the Pandemic, successfully landing NPD in grocery multiples and wholesalers – sometimes with only weeks to secure permanent listings – was challenging. And with retail listing under increasing pressure, plus the rise of the ‘zero consumer’ – those with high expectations of brands coupled with a decline in brand loyalty – manufacturers and producers are faced with constant obstacles and challenges.

So, when it comes to launching in Retail, is there a blueprint for success? In short, yes!

We have identified through years of experience – and in delivering the UK’s biggest FMCG test programme – the optimum combination of communications, mechanics and rewards that achieve maximum awareness and trial for new products, delivering A* launches for the likes of Jordan’s, Kellogg’s, Philadelphia and Coke Zero.

Jordan's Grin-ola Launch

We helped Jordans Cereal launch a new range in a crowded category, achieving its 25%+ penetration target.

If you would like to read the highlights from our test programme, then please click through to the three sections Current Landscapes, Goal Setting and Launch Plans.

We know every NPD is unique

So, if this is something you are considering or would simply like to know more, then please get in touch for a coffee and a chat.

07776 250 991